Thursday, July 22, 2010

Finally did it :)

So yesterday I finally used my sewing machine, though I know I said I was going to do it about two weeks ago.  Haha that procrastination really works ;).  Well as I said I used it, but pretty much I used it to set up and try to relearn how to thread the machine.  Sad.  I will get back into it again.  On top of trying to get it together Gabby craweled right on it while I was still trying to thread it so it discouraged me more. 

Well I did my event at the Gansevoort Hotel on Miami Beach.  It was an awesome an experience.  Great food, great music, great people, and great clothes.  I worked with a great promo/fashion model Florentina.  She was really great to work with, seemed like we known eachother for years.  We handed out Smart Water for our promo at our little bar.
Definitly would love to do another promo like this again.  I also got to see Kendra from "The Girls Next Door"  She is so cute.  I was really mad that she didn't make it to our booth and come to find out she was supposed to. 
Well so far no other events coming up, hopefully soon though, need some moolah.  Welp I'll be back next time A QUARTER OF A CENTURY years old, oh me oh my.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

List of things to do 2day

The day I decide to start cleaning, and have a list to do I want to blog.  Probably after a night of skimming through 100s of blogs.  (Not exactly, but a lot)  I really want to make my blogs a regular daily log of my day.  I hope that this will help me keep track of my daily duties as a mom and make sure I follow up on what I say I'm going to do.

  • So first thing I have to clean up the closet in our room so that I can set up shop for my sewing machine.  Mind you that my husband bought me this machine during black Friday!!! I feel so bad that I haven't opened it and used it.  Main reason for not doing this has been my love for procrastination.  Yes I know the sentence doesn't really make sense.  But it makes all the sense to me =).
  • Put laundry away.
  • Put together sewing machine, and come up with what I will create!
Small list for today.  Lets just see if I get it done....haha =/

Will be back later have a great day =)
