Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year

        This will probably be my last post before Christmas or New Year, so I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I hope everyone enjoys their family and loved ones.  For my family this month has been an awesome month full of love and joy.  Tony's sister came to visit for a day and Gabby got to meet her Auntie Kristina.  Gabby enjoyed her a lot and I really hope that she will be able to come back down to see us (Or Live!!!).
We got to help serve at our Church for kids.  It was fun for me and my husband to set up the food and be able to work together.
Did any of you see the lunar eclipse on Dec. 20th?  I thought it was great.  I just was so tried to finish watching.  I heard it got bright orange.  Below I got a picture before I decided to go to sleep. -Specializing in Cheap Flights F

I'm so excited for what's in store for the New Year.  I have a start of my resolution and I'm excited and eager to already start on it!
  1. First I would like to work on being a better wife.  Including being a better mother, lover, and child of God.
  2. Better Time Management.
  3. Eliminating distractions in my life.
  4. Eating Better
  5. Bringing Back My Creative Side;)
Well, I'm going to get going...last day to wrap some gifts.  Everyone stay safe, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas starts with Christ.  Much Love.

Take care and God bless.

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