Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Holidays:)

Happy Holidays everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving:)  I know I sure did.  Our family spent it over at my husbands dad's house where we enjoyed a whole lot of food, and karaoke:)  It was a wonderful evening and we all enjoyed ourselves.
(some of the food)

(husband and I taking time to show love;)

(my little princess trying to figure out this inflatable movie screen/karaoke)

Oh and I forgot to post an image from the game we worked at promoting Xbox.  We had so much fun.  Too bad Miami lost that game, but it's all good.
Well gotta get going again Gabby is taking her nap and I'm able to make lunch in peace ;)
Take care and God Bless.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so much to be thankful for, for all the blessings God has put before me through out this year.  I am thankful for my wonderful family near and far, my wonderful church family, my womans bible study group, and for all the people that have come into my life.
I just recently reminisced with my best friend when I went over her mom's house for Thanksgiving with my mom.  We had a great time and I was thankful to be with my best friend her beautifully just born daughter, her family and my mom.  What a wonderful day!  Now I have a little one and she gets to share thanksgiving with her family.  I am so blessed.  This year we're going over my husbands family house.  My husband is going to make mac and cheese, and I finished my potato salad last night.

(this is before I mixed it)
Welp gotta get going gotta find a store that may be open.  Take care and God Bless.
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Friday, November 19, 2010


I've never tailgated before a game...usually I get there when the game's about to begin or when it has already started....Tomorrow my husband and I will be working a tailgating event for the Miami VS Virginia Tech game.  I'm excited to work with my hubby and excited to be a part of a tailgating event:)  Like I said in the earlier post I will try and take pictures with my phone if anything interesting happens.  You never know in Miami!!  Any ways quick blog while Gabby is asleep.  Talk to you all later.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Long time no speak - 37 more days til CHRISTMAS

First off yes I'm going to advertise these cute little dog sweaters that are made from my husbands grandma from Colombia I'm currently selling them on  Aren't they cute!  Great for Christmas or just the cool weather.  They can be custom made to your liking (colors, length, etc.)  Message me if you are interested! it's been a while since I last posted, I've just been really family busy making sure I take the time to play with Gabby and go to the park with her as much as possible especially when we had such beautiful weather!!!  Actually now it's back to being a little hummid!!
Oh I really just can't wait till Christmas, I'm so excited that Gabby will be able to open presants by herself :)  I'm still working to save up some money to get her something that she'll enjoy at her age.  I have a Tailgate Promo that  I will be doing this weekend which will bring in some extra income and also I get to work with my husband a big plus!! :)  Also I've been working on this twitter thing that has actually been generating some income.  If you are interested in making a little income with your twitter click here - or click the button below.
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So far I've made $11.00 this week, which isn't bad for not really doing much of anything.
Well we'll see how this weekend goes, I'll defintly post images once it's over and I'll probably tweet about it so follow my twitter at - 
Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

52 More Days Till Christmas

I can't believe there is only 52 more days till Christmas!!!  I'm so excited this year Gabby will be able to open presants this year and be able to use her pink stocking I bought her last year.

I'm excited about baking this year for Christmas.  I wanted to actually go buy rum balls from a store call Cost Plus World Market.  The only problem is I don't live near one.  So I've decided I'm going to make them on my own.  I found one recipe that I may be interested in using.  If you know of any good recipes please post them here.

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Well I gotta get going, today is our bible study night.  Take care and God Bless.

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