Wednesday, August 18, 2010

21 day day Radical Experiment Tranformation

The past and current month has been a rough one.  The day after my birthday I found out one of my good friends from San Diego had died.  She was a really good friend to me, a mom of 7 children, and a child of God.  She was the person that kept me going to church and helped me keep my faith while going through some of my issues.  I know she is doing well and is at peace up in heaven.  I pray for her family to also be at peace and know she is watching down on them.

Well on lighter terms my husband and I have decided to do the radical experiment transformation.   Our Pastor decided to challenge our church to a 21 day transformation.  To do the uncommon and letting God lead the way in everything I do.  I struggle with this all the time, and I know many of us all do.  But honestly it's usually not what God wants from us.  Sunday was our start date, and my husband and I started actually on Monday.  We still haven't really committed to doing it religiously we let a lot of the worldly things still interrupt our time with God, which included using the internet, watching TV, and playing video games.  Even today as I'm writing this I was tempted with watching TV, but I stopped myself (or God, b/c the TV happened to go blank as I was trying to change channels) and continued to type.  God wants to know that I making this time for him, spreading his word about Jesus dying for our sins and that we are forgiven!!!  It's amazing to think of it that he forgives us for each time we lie about something, or whatever sin we have committed as long as we believe in him and give our lives to HIM.  I've been challenged with that for my family to forgive.  It's honestly hard to forgive but God wants us to be more like him and to use his patience and grace to handle situations.  So as we step in this 21 transformation my goals are to:

  • Pray for the entire world
  • Read through the entire word
  • Sacrifice my money for a specific purpose
  • Spend your time in another context
  • Commit your life to the church
We started reading in the book of John on Monday, and we hope to return to being committed as we first started.  Wish us luck and I'll keep you updated in God's Glory!

Take care and God bless.

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