Friday, March 20, 2015

6months Already

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Man I can't believe I'm already 6 months pregnant!  It's just crazy.  Till now I've been working full time and a lot has taken toll on my body.  To me it seems like my body really changed during this pregnancy.  I don't remember the tightness in my belly as much as I do now.  It also doesn't help that I have 3 flights of stairs to go up and down just to do laundry or other household duties!! Sorry for the little rant.  So on to other wonderful things, EATING, EATING, and MORE EATING.  Last night marked a night of cravings and this morning I had to do research and actually make some kind of quiche.  I needed to find something easy, fast, and little ingredients.  So using Pinterest I found on ManilaSpoon Spinach Quiche in a Muffin Pan.  I didn't exactly use all the ingredients that were described but got the basics. 
4 eggs
Chopped up half an onion
Sautaed 2 Roman Tomato's and Onions
Mixed the Eggs and Sauteed Tomato's and Onions
Added some cheese
And wallah stuck it 2 - 6 pan muffin pans
(These were dollar tree pans, but best is to use non stick pans or it will stick to the bottom even it you oil it down)
Well hope you guys enjoy!  Because I sure did!!  I bet bacon would taste even better with this mix!  If you have any other suggestions let me know, would love to try it!   I will hopefully be back posting regularly during the next couple of weeks every Friday so keep a look out.  Take care and God Bless.
