Whelp this is the last week I can prepare for my husbands birthday. Well actually I'm still not sure when we're going to celebrate because he's unsure if he's working or not. But I'm still planning something small for him which includes a superman cake.
Yes I bought this superman cake pan!! Ha ha. I wanted to get this last year at walmart but it was $15 bucks for it. I thought it was too much so when I found it on eBay I just had to buy it! Now I have to make the decision of if I'm going to make the cake or go to a bakery and have them do it. I'm so indecisive on what I want to do. I'm actually thinking about not even using the pan, for I had looked up superman cakes and saw other designs that I'm interested in doing. I wish I had never done that. Well I'll keep y'all posted on what the out come is.
Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted. Been so busy taking care of the family, and trying to squeeze in some modeling work. Recently I did the hair show @ the Fountainbleu on Miami Beach, both my husband and I had to work so Gabby got to hang out with the grandparents. It was an awesome event met some really nice people and finally experienced a hair show.
We recently celebrated fathers day at the Supercon for my husband. I've never seen him so happy in my life. He was like a kid enjoying his first day at an amusmant park or something in that nature. As you can see in all the images, he's smiling really big!! It's so interesting to see all these people so excited for their favorite characters. It's awesome to think many have been planning for a year for this day since it's once a year. When I used to live in San Diego, the Comic Con was the big event, everyone dressed in costume. At first I thought it was pretty weird, but since I went to the SuperCon I really enjoyed it. I'd really like to do an event at the comic con this year, I've applied to some requests but so far no responses :( We'll see I'm going to keep trying ;).
Well gotta get going, got to tend to the little one. She's everywhere now, climbing out of her walker, jumping off the bed, and she's only 8 months!! I"m scared for when she starts walking!!!. Well take care everyone God Bless.